About SJPP
Syarikat Jaminan Pembiayaan Perniagaan (SJPP) is a wholly-owned company of Minister of Finance Incorporated and was formed in 2009 to administer and manage government guarantee schemes under the Second Stimulus Package announced in Budget 2009 that enable Small Medium Enterprise (SME) companies to gain access to financing facilities from financial institutions.
Due to the success of the government guarantee schemes, the Government of Malaysia continued to provide guarantee schemes to the Malaysian businesses as announced in the Malaysian Budgets since 2009. These schemes have enabled many Malaysian businesses to obtain access to financing facilities, by allowing financial institutions in Malaysia to provide more financing facilities, and to encourage these financial institutions to offer better rates, terms and conditions. This initiative created a strong collaboration between the Government, and financial institutions and non-banking financial institutions, to provide Malaysian businesses with an alternative solution to their collateral requirements, hence, connecting the funding gap that is faced by so many viable Malaysian businesses even to this day.
SJPP is managed by Prokhas Sdn Bhd, also a wholly-owned company of the Minister of Finance Incorporated.